Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Confirmation that methadone in prison reduces infection risk

From Australia the first trial to randomly allocate prisoners seeking this treatment to methadone maintenance - important, because previous trials could not eliminate the possibility that outcomes were simply due to promising cases self-selecting for treatment. Making this option available led to substantial reductions in heroin use, injecting and syringe sharing. Print publication 2004 [Drug and Alcohol Findings, UK]


First randomised trial of needle exchange

First randomised trial of needle exchange

Alaskan needle exchanges passed an unusually stringent test of whether they improved on simply enabling injectors to buy equipment from pharmacies. Risky injecting was reduced without increasing (and if anything reducing) injecting frequency and cocaine use. Print publication 2004 [Drug and Alcohol Findings, UK]


Friday, November 21, 2008

2009 Harm Reduction Conference - Update

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of hard work behind the scenes in planning for Harm Reduction 2009 – www.ihraconferences.net – and the Conference Director, Professor Gerry Stimson, has written an open letter to everyone interested in the event in order to update our colleagues on some of the significant developments.
