Tuesday, April 7, 2009

As Texas Considers Needle Exchange, the Houston Chronicle Weighs In

The state of Texas is the only US state that prohibits the purchase or possession of syringes for purpose of injecting illegal drugs. It is also home to the fourth highest HIV/AIDS rate in the US. As Texas considers the prospect of legalizing needle exchange, the Houston Chronicle- one of the largest newspapers in Texas- puts its support behind reversing this ban. Read more.

Currently, the US federal government has a ban on domestic needle exchange funding, which has translated into a ban on funding needle exchange programs internationally. Each step taken towards reversing the federal government's ban on funding domestic needle exchange is one step towards funding international needle exchange programs.

IHRA Conference Agenda and Abstracts Published

The agenda for the upcoming IHRA conference in Bangkok has been finalized and published and readers can access it here. In addition, the conference organizers have published the IHRA abstract book here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Bangkok!