Sunday, October 17, 2010

Socialcast IDU Group

Dear IDU Bloggers,

The IDU Blog, now about 2 years old, is rapidly being superceded by the IDU group on Socialcast.

Currently, messages sent to the Blog are automatically streamed onto Socialcast. Those of you who are signed up for the Blog and Socialcast IDU group will have noticed that duplication.

To avoid that issue, increasingly, we will disseminate information directly through Socialcast, rather than from the Blog. So, if you have not done so already, please take a few seconds and sign up for the IDU group on Socialcast, by going to:

In the near future, we will decide whether or not to keep this blog running, or just switch everything over to Socialcast.

Cheers for now

1 comment:

york said...

I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks...
